Morning Prayer Lenten English


LEADER      : In the + Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one true God:

RESPONSE : Glorybe to Him and may His Grace and mercybe upon us forever. ‐Amen

LEADER      : Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, by whose glory, the heaven and the earth are filled; Hosanna in the highest.


RESPONSE: Blessed is He, who has come, and is to come, in the name of the Lord; Glory be to Him in the highest.



LEADER      : Holy art Thou, O God!

RESPONSE : Holy art Thou, Almighty,

Holyart Thou, Immortal,

+Crucified for us, have mercyon us.

(Repeat thrice)

LEADER      : Lord, have mercyupon us,

RESPONSE : Lord, be kind and have mercy,

Lord, accept Thou our office, and our entreaties; Have mercy on us.

LEADER      : Glory be to Thee, O God!

RESPONSE : Glory be to Thee, O Creator,

Glory be to Thee, O King, Christ, who dost pity sinners, Thy servants.

+ Barekmor.


Lord’s Prayer LEADER:Our Father, who art in Heaven:

RESPONSE: Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses and sins, aswe forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one. For Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and theglory, forever and ever. ‐ Amen


Hail Mary

LEADER: Hail, Mary, full of Grace:

RESPONSE: Our Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O Virgin Saint Mary, O Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at all times, and at the hour of our death.

‐ Amen


Urakkamillatha Unarvullavan


LEADER      : O Lord, awaken us from our slumber who are immersed in sin, that we may extol Your watchfulness. O Vigilant one, who do not, redeem us mortals, from our slumber to death and corruption, that we may worship Your mercy.

RESPONSE : O everlasting and immortal God, make us worthy to adore and glorify You with holiness; in the glorious company of the angels of heaven who adore You. O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we praise You; for You are glorious and blessed,both in heavenand earth, now and alwaysforever.                                                                     ‐ Amen

Karthaave ente kidakkamelvachu nine

LEADER: O my Lord, there is no night in my life that I do not rememberyou. I remember in the night that you have no sympathy over those who do not repent of their sins. I heard the voice of Daniel telling of a fiery river flowing from you. Woe to me that my sins are numerous. O Lord, how will I cross the fiery river unless thy grace beseechesyou and unless thy mercy is upon me. O Lord, according to your kindness, have mercy upon me.

RESPONSE: O Lord, our Master, where can I go from before You? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, your eternal presence isthere; if I descend to the depths, you are there. Therefore, O Lord, be kind and have mercy upon me, and let me stand at your right side, because nobody is righteous before you.

LEADER : O Lord we call upon you. Come to our aid, hear our supplication, and have mercy upon us. Lord answer us and have mercy upon us. Turn our hearts torepentance.


Praise of the Cherubim (Ezekiel 3:12) (Ennekkum ThanteIdathil Ninnum)

LEADER      : +Blessed is the glory of the Lord, from His place forever;

RESPONSE: +Blessed is the Glory of the Lord, from His place forever;

+Blessed is the gloryof the Lord; from His place foreverand ever,

LEADER      : Holy and glorious Trinity,have mercy upon us;

RESPONSE: Holy and glorious Trinityhave mercy upon us;

Holy and glorious Trinity,have compassion and mercy upon us.

LEADER      : Holyart Thou, and glorious forever.

RESPONSE : Holy art Thou, and glorious forever.

Holy art Thou and blessed is Thy name, forever and ever,

LEADER      : Glory be to Thee, O Lord,

RESPONSE : Glory be to Thee,O Lord,

Glory be to Thee, ever our hope,


Karthave Ninne Anukoolamakkunnavarude


LEADER       : Have mercy upon us, O Lord, by the prayers of Thy saints, who pleased You by theirlives.


RESPONSE: The prophets who spoke of You in the spirit, the Apostles who announced Your revelation and the Martyrs who died for the love of You shall pray to You for us; have mercy upon us. Pray for us, all ye Saints, to Him whose will you performed, that He may remove and avert from us punishments and rods of rage. O Lord, by their supplications and intercessions, absolve us, and our departed ones. Amen.

LEADER: O Lord, since I have not condemned Your holy Name, do not put me to shame. O Lord, acknowledge me before your Father, becauseI acknowledge you before men. Make me worthy to enjoy Your salvation because I ate your body and drank your blood. When you arrive in the glorious company of your angels, remit our sins by Your mercy.

RESPONSE: The arrival of the Son of God is at hand. Like the witnessing of the apostle, the end of the world is at the door. Blessed is he who finds mercy at the judgment.

LEADER : O Lord, have mercy upon us and accept our service. From Your treasure house, grant us kindness,mercy, and forgiveness of sins.


RESPONSE: O Lord, who hears our prayer and accepts our petitions, hear our prayers, reconcile with us, and grantour petitions by Your mercy.

LEADER : O Lord, the ocean of mercy, You are a peaceful harbor for those who call upon You. Like you lifted up Simon Peter from the ocean, lift us up from the sinfulness of thisworld.

RESPONSE: O Lord, because you are impartial at judgment, we sinful ones mourn. O Lord, by Your grace be kind and have mercy upon us at that time when the book of life is opened and Yourrighteousness judges our sins. O Lord, may Your grace appeal to Your justice and grant us forgiveness of our sins. Amen.


LEADER: + Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Glory be to Thee, O Lord;

RESPONSE: + Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah,

Glory be to Thee,O Lord;

+ Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Glorybe to Thee, O Lord.

Manogunamulla Deyvame

LEADER: O MercifulLord, Have mercy upon us in Your loving kindness.

RESPONSE: In Eucharist and prayers let us, remember our fathers, who while they lived, taught us to be the childrenof God. The Son of God shall grant them rest in the kingdom of Heaven, with the just and the righteous,in the world eternal. O Lord, have mercy upon us, and help us.                                                                                             Amen.

Trithuathinu Sthuthi LEADER        : Glory be to the Trinity,

RESPONSE: Glory be to the Trinity,

Glory be to the Trinity,

Exalted, self‐existent, and eternal.

Meet unto Thee, O God, is Glory at all times. Barekmor Kalpanalanghanathaal edanil kadappettu

LEADER: The debts and sins of the human race that arose through the transgression of Your commandments at Eden, are being forgiven through lent. The doors of Paradise are opened through this lent for the salvation of Adam. Daniel observed the lent and he overcame the lions. Hananiah and other children survived the flames of fire by the lent. Elijah ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot. Joshua, son of Nun, made the sun and moon in the skies stand still. Blessed is he who observes the lent and fasting with joy. Salvation and a joyful bridal chamber open for him. Lord, open your merciful door to us. Do not give us times of hardship. Where will we knock if you close your doors before us? Have   kindness towards us who are created in Your Image. Do not forsake us. Do not cast us from your presence because of the stench ofour transgressions.

RESPONSE: Have mercy on us O Lord who emancipated us by Your lent. O Messiah who fasted for us, praise be to You, to Your Father, and to Your Holy Spirit. Accept our lent and prayer, and have mercy on us in this world and in that to come.


ANGELIC HYMN (Melulla Uyarangalil…)


LEADER: Just as the exalted angels and the Archangels of heaven, sing praises to You, so like them, we frail and earthly ones, glorify You and say at all times and in all moments.

RESPONSE: Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace and concord and good hope to men:

LEADER: We praise You, we glorify You, we worship You; songs of praise, we raise to You.

RESPONSE: We praise You, for the greatness of Thy glory, O Lord Creator, heavenly king, God the Father Almighty; and You, O Lord God, only begotten Son, Jesus Christ; and You O Holy Spirit.

LEADER: O Lord God. Lamb of God, Son and word of the Father, who bearest, and hast borne the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.

RESPONSE: Thou who bearest, and hast borne the sins of the world, incline Thine ear to us and accept our prayer.

LEADER : Thou who sittest in glory, at the right hand of the Father, have compassion and mercy upon us:

RESPONSE: For, Thou art, and alone Thou art holy O Lord, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God the Father.

LEADER : At all times, and in all the days of our lives, will we bless You, and Praise Thy Holy Name, blessedfor ever, O Thou why art, and abides, for ever and ever.

RESPONSE:Almighty God, God of our fathers blessedart Thou and glorious is Thy Name, and exalted by praises forever and ever.

ALL         : Meet to You is glory; becoming to You is praise befitting to You is adoration. O God of all, the Father ofTruth, with Thine Only begotten Son, and the living Holy Spirit,now and always,forever and ever.   Amen.


Moran Yesu Meshiho

LEADER: O Jesus Christ, our Lord, close not the door of Thy mercy upon our faces, we confess, we aresinners; have mercy upon us.

RESPONSE: O Lord, Thy love for us didst make You to come down to us from Thy place,that by Thy death, our death might be abolished, have mercy upon us.


Kauma (Trisagion)

LEADER: Holy art Thou, O God!

RESPONSE: Holy art Thou,Almighty

Holy art Thou, Immortal,

+ Crucifiedfor us, have mercy on us.

(Repeat thrice)

LEADER      : Lord, have mercyupon us,

RESPONSE : Lord, be kind and have mercy,

Lord, accept Thou our offices, and our entreaties; Have mercy on us.

LEADER      : Glory be to Thee, O God!

RESPONSE : Glory be to Thee, O Creator,

Glory be to Thee, O King, Christ, who dost pity sinners, Thy servants.

+ Barekmor.

LEADER      : Our Father, who art in Heaven…

LEADER      : Hail, Mary, full of Grace…


PSALM: 51 (Deyvame Ninte Krupa Poley..)


LEADER : Havemercy upon me, O Lord, according to Your loving kindness, and according to the multitude of Your mercies,blot out my transgressions.

RESPONSE: Wash me from my iniquityand cleanse me from my sins; for I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sins are ever before me.

LEADER   : Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done evil before You. For Thou shall be justified Your word, and blameless in Your judgment. For I was born in iniquity and insins did my mother conceive me.

RESPONSE: For Thou hast desired the truth, and made known to me the mysteries of Your wisdom. Sprinkle upon me with Your hyssop; purge me with it, and I shall be whiter than snow.

LEADER : Fill me with Your joy and gladness, and my feeble bones shall rejoice. Turn Your face from my sins,and blot out all mine iniquities.

RESPONSE: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew within me a right spirit. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.

LEADER : Restore to me the joy of Your salvation; and may Your glorious spirit uphold me. Then will I leach the iniquitous Your way, and the sinnersshall be convertedto You.

RESPONSE: Deliver me from blood—guiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation, and my tongue shall extol Your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall sing forth Your praises.

LEADER : For Thou hadst no delight in mere sacrifices; neither hadst Thou been reconciled by mere burnt—offerings. The sacrifices acceptable to God are a humble spirit,and a broken heart, God despises not.

RESPONSE: Do good to Zion, according to Your good pleasure, and build Thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then wilt Thou be pleased with righteous sacrifices, and in whole burnt offerings. Then shall they offer bullocksupon Thine altar.

ALL             : Meet unto You, O God, is glory.                        Barekmor.


Karthaave jeevantevazhiye vittu

LEADER : O Lord, I am the lost sheep who ran after meaninglessness and left the path of Life. O good shepherd set out in search of me. Do not forsake me so that I may not be lost completely, but count me among your flock and make me worthy to enter your bridal chamber, like the repentant tax collector, the sinful woman, and the wise virgins.


RESPONSE: O God, remit my debts and forgive my sins, as I have sinned. I cry out like that sinful woman.O Lord, who loves mankind,in your gloriouscoming, make me worthy to sing praises to You with Your saints. In my grief, I am lamenting like the prodigal son. My Father, be kind and have mercy on me. I sinned against heaven and against You. I am not worthy to be called Your son. Accept me at least as a servant. O merciful Lord, forgive me the sins that I have committed against You.

LEADER   : When the body abstains from food the spirit should abstain from evil, for the spirit and body should observelent together. Fastingfrom food is fruitless if we do not abstain from evil thoughts. Therefore, O Lord, let Your grace be with to steadfastly observe the fast in spirit and body.

RESPONSE: O Lord, in this holy lent enable us to renounce all evils, reconcile with your Godliness, love one another, and to receive mercy and forgiveness of sin. O Messiah the King, in that great day of your revelation, all generations will enter and you will judge and separate the good from the wicked; everyone will move to their appropriate place; when the fiery ocean will roar,may your mercy protect us.

LEADER : O Lord, open Your great door full of mercy, hear our petitions and have mercy on us.

RESPONSE: Lent is good, but if anybody observeslent without love it is fruitless. Prayer is love. If love does not elevate prayer, its wings will be weak. Those who lack love cannot see God.


Karthavine Kondaduvanum

LEADER : How good it is to give thanks to You, O Lord, and to sing praises to Your exalted Name; to declare Your loving kindness at the break of the day, and Your faithfulness during the night.

RESPONSE: O Lord, hearken to our voice at the dawn of the day; and in the morning, let us be found ready by You. O Lord, absolve and pardon all our sins. O Holy one, over—shadow Your right hand upon us, and heal all our infirmities for the sake, of Your eternalName.                                                                                                Amen.


LEADER      : Our Father, who art in Heaven…

LEADER      : Hail, Mary, full of Grace…


The Nicene Creed